Handing over the check

For the second year in a row, MEFA supported the Albert Schweitzer Kinderdorf. MEFA's motto for Christmas 2023 was to use the money for charitable purposes instead of giving presents to customers. The Children's Village was once again happy to receive a donation of €15,000 in 2023. The Albert Schweitzer Kinderdorf does a fantastic job, and the families deserve the highest respect for what they do. We would like to thank Ms. Wirth and Mr. Bartole for visiting our production and logistics center in Kupferzell.

More about life at Albert-Schweitzer-Kinderdorf

Founded in 1957, the Children's Village Association is an international, non-denominational and non-partisan association based in Waldenburg.
As an organization of youth welfare, the purpose of its work is to promote the development and education of young people.
On the 2.5-hectare site on the outskirts of Waldenburg, the Children's Village families live in a large house with a garden in a kind of village community. In addition to the seven family houses, the association's educational and commercial administration, the fully residential girls' group, the Forest Pirates Kindergarten, a house for guests, a bakery, the sports field and an adventure-pedagogical garden are located on the large grounds, embedded in beautiful nature with numerous woods and meadows. But what kind of families actually live there?

One "normal" family lives in each house with their own children and up to seven other children. One parent is an educational specialist who works as a housemother/father, while the other parent continues to work in his/her main job. In addition, the family is supported by a pedagogical and housekeeping team. Through this interaction between the family and educational professionals, the children experience recognition, protection and clarity in their upbringing. They experience security and receive individual support in a safe environment. This intensive form of living together offers the often traumatized young people a high degree of stability, reliability and orientation. The biological parents remain an essential part of the children's biographies for their further development.

Use of the donation

A new family in the children's village is particularly pleased about the donation, as the money will be used to buy them a new kitchen. With the help of this kitchen, we wish the family a great start in their new phase of life, as well as countless cozy and, above all, delicious hours together.

For more information about the Albert-Schweitzer-Kinderdorf and how the families manage their daily lives, please visit the website.

Website Albert-Schweitzer-Kinderdorf